Sep 5, 2023Liked by Michelle Wu

Thank you, Mayor Wu. Negotiations like these are hard, but it's how real governing works. I hope it gets ratified. I talked with an MBTA bus driver tonight on his break about how hard his job is, and the new MBTA contract with which he finally feels his work is appreciated . I know this isn't a city responsibility, but as a Boston resident, it's important to know that ALL the people we depend on feel they are treated fairly for their work.

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Where is the accountability when liberal politicians give away the bank to public employee unions? No one is on the side of the taxpayer.

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You should read Shadow Bosses by Mallory Factor. A devastating takedown of the concept of public employee unions. When Dem politicians are in charge, they simply give it all away to the unions, the unions in turn push their members to vote for Dems and no one protects the taxpayer.

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Concerned voter = right-wing libertarian spouting agenda-driven tripe... no wonder you laud another of your ilk, Mallory Factor and his totally biased hit-job on unions. Thankfully, your type is a distinct minority.

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But you are unable to explain why you suppose it was a hit job so you attack the messenger.

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I put as much effort into a rebuttal as you did vapidly sniping on the mayor's earnest post. Want to make specific earnest allegations against a particular union/bosses that stand up to scrutiny? then be my guest.

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Calling Commisar Wu earnest and my post vapid is amazing.

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I respect your engagement and--if your anonymous name here is true--appreciate your active participation in the democratic process. I'm flagging for you here that this forum and the comment section are meant for feedback and dialogue, not name-calling and airing of conspiracy theories or misinformation. Using a term like "Commissar" is unnecessary, inaccurate, and meant to be inflammatory. I've already had to delete two of your comments on other posts due to inappropriate name-calling about others that has crossed the line, and elsewhere you've also made false assertions unrelated to the content of the posts. Please be responsible with your language so that we can understand your views and not just get caught up in the same attack culture that is driving so many away from civic engagement.

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What false assertions have I made, your excellency?

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As my Brit-descent dear Mum would say: well parried.

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Thanks for thoroughly reinforcing my assessment... and now I can verifiably state that you are "low EQ" too... but hey, have a nice day.

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