Please just take the job at Harvard. It will be better for your young family and, more importantly, better for the taxpayers and residents of our once-great city.

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Please act like an adult and take your hopeless libertarian agenda and partisan drivel elsewhere. You're acting like a petulant kid.

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Are you one of the Wu reply guys paid to attack critical posts on Twitter, Marc?

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Never used Twitter (X). I have zero affiliation with her. I just don’t suffer fools and randomly call out bad behavior on any of the substacks that I follow.

Mind you, the simple fact that you would even conjure up such a ridiculous conspiracy theory just further solidifies you in the “partisan low EQ club”… that and the fact that you hide behind a nom de plume… what a joke.

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Sorry, is the bad behavior Michelle Wu, Ricardo Arroyo or Kendra Lara? So hard to keep track of all the bad actors.

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Well, on the one hand I certainly will grant you that Arroyo and Lara are well deserving of a “bad actor” label; indeed, that horribly dysfunctional committee can be said to be rife with them.

But the Mayor is absolutely NOT deserving of any such label. Simply because you disagree with her policies does not in any way qualify as bad behavior. If you have an example of something substantive based in fact then feel free to state your case.

More importantly, my reference to bad behavior was addressed to posters/commenters that troll, toss out vapid snipes and don’t exhibit a respectful tone and decorum to engage in a civil discussion. Are you capable of that? Or are you just an unbridled muckraker?

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